Visiting our partner Turvec!

Last week we visited our partner in London. Turvec and Klaver have been partners for almost 7 years. Since then, they have represented our products such as the 2ParkUp and CuBic bicycle shelters in the UK and Ireland.

During our visit, we discussed the current developments in the European cycle parking market. In addition, Turvec showed us the increasing demand for high-quality cycling infrastructure in London and we visited a number of completed projects.

Finally, we had a city tour on Boris bikes and experienced both the changing of the palace guards and a view of the newly refurbished Big Ben. Below are some pictures of our visit to Turvec.

Klaver bezoekt Turvec in Londen

Afbeelding 1: 2ParkUp etagerekken in Londen

Klaver bezoekt Turvec in Londen

Afbeelding 2: Turvec en Klaver team