Outsized bike racks

Bicycle racks specially developed for outsized bicycles such as transport and crate bicycles.

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The Viper in practice
During the development of our Viper bicycle parking system for transport and crate bicycles, we paid a lot of attention to functionality and design. The ramp can easily park the bicycle in the system. This allows us to realize a beautiful bicycle parking facility that will last for a long time for every location such as an office, hospital, university, school or in public space.

The Viper is a bicycle parking system with a high / low ratio, so that the available parking space is used as efficiently as possible. The center-to-center distance between the places is 45 cm and the difference in height between the bicycle places is more than with the standard high / low bicycle parking systems. This ensures that baskets, crates or handlebars of bicycles parked next to each other do not touch.

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